Branden H.

My experience with Mrs. Cathy Couedic started out as a quick tour around a house I was very interested in with a real estate agent who I thought would be very similar to a stereotypical experience we all hear people speak of with agents ..Them trying to sell a property as fast as they can and never really taking the time and making the effort for their potential clients . This opinion transformed very quickly for me into quite the contrary and a special experience .

it’s hard to use professional terms to describe such a kind and caring human. Not because she doesn’t handle things in a very professional way but because even if you are a potential client, Madame Couedic treats you with such respect and sincerity that you immediately feel so comfortable with her and know that you can entrust your future in her. My first tour Cathy gave me of my home I now live in was nothing short of perfection. Not only because she found the exact house I was looking for, but Cathy’s guide made me think it was actually her house she was selling. Her information and honesty in her description was pure brilliance. But we can say another stereo phrase and say that it’s just a good salesperson who did “her job” well to close the deal.. but where this experience became special for me and placed Madame Couedic well above- the norm was not just how helpful and amazing she was before and during the sale of the house, but even more so how helpful she was after and always ready to help me with everything after the sale. Even until today! I find that quite rare because with most sellers once the deal is done it’s quite normal that we don’t have the same relationship afterwards. That to me is Cathy’s superpower. She is caring, passionate, determined and she has a heart of gold. She helped me meet so many people in the professional renovation world as it was a big and hard project for me to buy my house and she continues to help me with so many things regarding everything and anything around my house. They say in life, if you can do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. I truly believe that Cathy loves what she does and loves her job even more because she puts everything she has into making the process of selling a house nothing more difficult than riding a bike down a hill. I will definitely continue to recommend her and her services to anyone looking to buy or sell a home. She is genuine, she works hard and she is ready to help you until you find what you are looking for and you fall asleep with a smile on your face. Something very rare in this world. Once again I thank her for the millionth time for all her help and I honestly think she is a great option for anyone who needs help down this path.

Your the best Cathy.

Branden H.
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